So now I'm going to ask a simple question: Why do you assholes keep doing that?? I understand that TV and film studios often demand that clips be taken down due to copyright violations, but why is it that we can leave a clip up but make it so that you can't embed it? I'm honestly asking here because I can't count how many time's I've had a clip that I wanted to share and took the time to come up with some terribly witty things to say about it, only to have my plans obliterated because I couldn't embed the damn thing. And if anyone tells me that maybe I should check to see if I can use the clip before I start coming up with something to say about it, I say screw you, buddy, I shouldn't have to put extra effort or forethought into anything. Ever!
Now I'm going to have to be extra clever and come up with a way around my inability to embed a clip. Therefore, if you still give enough of a crap about the dumbass Friends clip to want to watch it, click on Hugh Laurie's ever-put-upon face to link over to YouTube.

Being fairly new to this blog game. I was incredibly proud when i figured out how to put clips on my efforts. Like you The actual ratio of clips i wanna put on to those i can is about 10:1 hey ho.
ReplyDeleteI know, I thought I had unlocked the secrets of the universe when I found the embedding coding. Now we need to look into the secrets of re-enabling embedding.
ReplyDeleteMay have to give that one a miss still trying to figure out what a meta tag code thing is Grumpy lol
ReplyDeleteMeta tag code...did you just string three random words together?
ReplyDeleteGoogle is your friend